FMS Collective Tarot Read by Nikki

June 19-25

Hi FMS peeps!  Happy week of the Summer Solstice!   We approach the longest day of the year when the sun is out as much as it can be, bringing us warmth and light and joy.   The summer solstice is a lovely time to check in and see what you’ve accomplished so far this year as we are right at the midpoint of 2023.   It’s also a good time to look back on your intentions for the year and evaluate how you want to continue.   The Solstice also marks the beginning of Cancer season, shepherding in the energy of the watery crab, helping us to tap into our emotions and knowing that the path towards healing is not always linear, in fact it is often spiralic more times than not.   So as we enter a new season, let yourself take time and celebrate. 

This week you are asked to be the leader you need in your own life.   Remember that you can be independent, reliable and stable for yourself.   Mental energy and anxious thoughts could be causing some chaos for you this week, making you feel mentally drained and conflicted and causing more issues than there actually are.   Do not be afraid to speak up (Sun and Mercury are still in Gemini which is a sign all about communicating) BUT do check yourself first.   Your voice is needed and sometimes our opinions set us apart from others, which is totally okay, but we can speak our truth without causing harm.  Give yourself space to check in with your thoughts in order to make sure that your words aren’t destructive.   If challenges are present this week, do not forget your “why”.   Keep your eye on the prize and keep working towards the life you want to build and the relationships you want to have.   Sustainable change sometimes takes slow, hard, patient work. You are on the path already so keep going, you are already working towards being the grounding leader you seek to be.  

Do not underestimate the impact you have in the world and with others.   YOU are a blessing and by healing what is soft within yourself also helps to heal others.   You might not be able to see this impact all the time but it is there.   Even being kind to a stranger on the street causes a ripple that you can’t see or predict but creates beautiful change in the world.   It’s easy to be kind when things are going well, the real challenge is being kind when things are tough.   See if you can do one act of kindness this week and know that even by doing that, you are already once again stepping into the role of leader in a profound way.   Happy Solstice!




An intuitive tarot reading with Nikki can give you insight around love, career, next steps, limiting beliefs, family and support, etc. You can come in with 1-2 questions or areas of your life you would like clarity on or you can show up and ask spirit to give you the messages you're meant to hear at that time. Multiple personalized spreads will be read. She uses tarot cards, oracle cards, and the messages she receives intuitively to give you guidance and insight to help you feel validated and empowered on your journey.


Looking for another time, email INFO@FREEMVMTSHOP.COM and we will be in touch!